David Leith, enterprising life drawing host!

David has just sent me this list of weekly events he runs, that’s 6 in all. He alone has about doubled the regular opportunity to experience life drawing in Perth! Take a look below for venues, times and dates of his events. Post Covid, its looking good elsewhere also with numerous ‘pastime’ evening groups in pubs popping up, as well as the pre Covid regulars where numbers are beginning to pick up. I am happy to ‘blog’ your events on this site if you send me details. Good news for both Artists and Models.
Here are the details of David’s events;
Life Sessions – Peaceful studies in drawing and painting from Life.
These are the sessions I host each week – always same time/same place unless otherwise notified:
Monday Evening 
Portrait Studies
6.30-9.00 pm
Ellis House Art Centre
116 Milne Street
$20 non-members of Ellis House/$15 members
Tuesday Evening
Portrait and/or detailed Figure Drawing (long poses, sometimes nude or semi nude; male or female models)
Ellis House
$20 non-members/$15 members
Friday mornings 
Portrait Studies
Repeated long-pose sessions with the same model, Sommer
My studio:
Carnegie Studios
1 Old Great Northern Highway
Friday afternoons
Whole Figure Studies
Repeated long-pose nude and/or portrait sessions with an experienced model.
Our model for the forthcoming months is in early pregnancy. These sessions will be a diary of her progress…a study in creation of life:
My studio:
Carnegie Studios
1 Old Great Northern Highway
Saturday mornings
Life Drawing
Short Pose nude figure drawing with a female or male subject
Art and Craft World
1/12 Boag Road
Sunday mornings 
Portrait and/or Detailed Long Pose Figure Studies (nude) with a female or male subject
My studio:
Carnegie Studios
1 Old Great Northern Highway
These are open to One and All….from beginners to experienced artists.
Im always interested to hear from people interested in modelling or in commissioning an artist to draw/paint their portrait or whole figure.
It’s best to contact me to book on:   0411565588

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