Nature and Time


Great pleasure to announce my wife Georgia’s upcoming exhibition at thee Zig Zag Gallery.Opening Friday 12th April. [13th April until 5th May] Opening hours are 10 until 4pm. It’s a great show that develops Georgia’s perceptive insights into the domain of both reality and realisation of time passing. Hope you can get to see this exceptional show.

There goes 2023


Well with the rest of the world in near chaos, it is a humble privilege to live in a country of some sanity, which enables us to enjoy such a creative pleasure of a life drawing group. Figure arts Bassendean has a history going back to the late ninetys’ with various shifts  in venues in the eastern suburbs. Our current location is everything our group could wish for. Large space, kitchen, air con and easy access to Basso station, plus readily accessible parking. Pre covid we easily fitted in up to 40 drawers at three drawing areas, but today is more like around 30 regulars that show up. You are most welcome to join us in 2024. Commencing January 22nd  Map below. $20 per 3 hour session.


David Leith, enterprising life drawing host!

David has just sent me this list of weekly events he runs, that’s 6 in all. He alone has about doubled the regular opportunity to experience life drawing in Perth! Take a look below for venues, times and dates of his events. Post Covid, its looking good elsewhere also with numerous ‘pastime’ evening groups in pubs popping up, as well as the pre Covid regulars where numbers are beginning to pick up. I am happy to ‘blog’ your events on this site if you send me details. Good news for both Artists and Models.
Here are the details of David’s events;
Life Sessions – Peaceful studies in drawing and painting from Life.
These are the sessions I host each week – always same time/same place unless otherwise notified:
Monday Evening 
Portrait Studies
6.30-9.00 pm
Ellis House Art Centre
116 Milne Street
$20 non-members of Ellis House/$15 members
Tuesday Evening
Portrait and/or detailed Figure Drawing (long poses, sometimes nude or semi nude; male or female models)
Ellis House
$20 non-members/$15 members
Friday mornings 
Portrait Studies
Repeated long-pose sessions with the same model, Sommer
My studio:
Carnegie Studios
1 Old Great Northern Highway
Friday afternoons
Whole Figure Studies
Repeated long-pose nude and/or portrait sessions with an experienced model.
Our model for the forthcoming months is in early pregnancy. These sessions will be a diary of her progress…a study in creation of life:
My studio:
Carnegie Studios
1 Old Great Northern Highway
Saturday mornings
Life Drawing
Short Pose nude figure drawing with a female or male subject
Art and Craft World
1/12 Boag Road
Sunday mornings 
Portrait and/or Detailed Long Pose Figure Studies (nude) with a female or male subject
My studio:
Carnegie Studios
1 Old Great Northern Highway
These are open to One and All….from beginners to experienced artists.
Im always interested to hear from people interested in modelling or in commissioning an artist to draw/paint their portrait or whole figure.
It’s best to contact me to book on:   0411565588

Drawing at Carolyn Francis Studio.

This is a special plug for the Carolyn Francis studio twice weekly offerings. A very special service for artists who want access to quality models, good lighting and facilities. Great nibbles and coffee! Carolyn creates a very special setting. Studio can take up to 10 persons, easy parking. Quality life drawing experience.
Wednesday night life drawing session starts 6.30 till 9.30 Set up from 6pm.
Cost is $25
BYO art supplies
Location Carolyn Francis Artist Studio
3 Runyon road Midvale
Bookings 0407 179 686
Friday mornings Portrait drawing session starts 9.30am till 12.30 set up 9am
Cost is $25
BYO art supplies
Location Carolyn Francis Artist Studio
3 Runyon road Midvale
Bookings 0407 179 686

Getting back to normal June 2022.


It would seem life drawing groups are beginning to get back to normal at last. Our group at Bassendean has numbers slowly increasing and we are now operating with two groups in the one room. Nude life drawing short poses and a portrait group. You are most welcome to attend. Info below. Hoping soon we will have the numbers for three groups.

I understand that other group numbers are filling up also.

Phew! About time.

This means also that we are interested in new models so take a look at our model ‘being a model’ page if this is your gig. More news soon.

Big Year



Seasons Greetings, I hope you are safe and well as we pass on to 2022 .

Well Life Drawing for 2021 is almost over. We at FAB hold our last session on Dec 13th and then its a break until mid January 2022. Couldn’t resist posting a Landscape, below. Just to let you know I am not figure drawing obsessed! The bush near York in Lechenaultia time.

Apologies for my website being without updates over most of ’21 but I have been quite unwell from March until September and missed out on much of the years activities. Better now. In January I am planning a complete overhaul of the content with more information about the local scene.

I will also have a new studio, hoping to take you on a tour.

Thanks also for the new models that have emerged in 2021. Along with our dependable and exceptional ‘regular’ models it is as always privilege to work with you.

Model coaching for new models will continue but not at my studio. Instead we will be working from the Carolyn Francis studio in Midvale.




Phew! Don’t ever want to see a year like that one again. Actually we are doing pretty well and our Basso life drawing group starts TOMORROW! The map is in the posts below.

Of course there are the regular Covid check ins but apart from that its business as usual.


I’ve made some changes around this site. Its been up and running for a long time and a lot has changed since I have been moving into more academic work. Still fascinated with anatomy and gesture. Hope to show you some of this as I improve.

Mostly this is to wish you all a splendid year of life drawing ahead, hopfull Covid free.

We are lucky


Well how fortunate we are to be able to hold regular life drawing events in WA. I quick look indicates that most of the pre Covid groups are under way as well as some innovative new adventures into on line drawing groups. Well done WA!

At Basso [Figure Arts Bassendean] we are 5 weeks into a great new season of quality life drawing offerings. Three model stations; short poses, long nude pose and portrait.  Ample room and great morning tea. $20. Look us up on our facebook page. Love to have you join us.

back in action


We are back in action at Bassendean. Life Drawing every Monday from now on Some restrictions apply but the room is credited for 100 persons so we are OK for distancing. You will need to sign in with your contact details ans observe the protocols provided, ie sanitiser and distancing. Looking forward to welcoming you.