If you’ve ever thought about doing life drawing, give it a go! In most communities their will be a life drawing group nearby, if you can’t find one, ask your local shire or check out Arts info on the web, or go to the Facebook page ‘Life Drawing in Perth’.
Most groups go for three hours and usually charge $20/25. You are usually expected to bring along an easel, board and paper. Some artists bring only a board and lean it on the back of a chair. Take lots of paper and a few different mediums. You don’t often see pencil drawing in studios these days. The scale of most studio drawing means that charcoal, Conte or pastels create a less tentative, more solid feel to your work right from the outset. My encouragement is to work BIG as soon as you can, its less ‘safe’ and you will accomplish more in a short time.
It’s a bit daunting at first, stepping into an established life drawing group but everyone will be very friendly and not at all critical about your work, everyone will be just interested to get their own drawing underway. It’s a great atmosphere. Sometimes there is music, and always a break for coffee and a chat. My group, FAB in Bassendean mostly has 2 models operating [portrait and nude pose] in different section of the large room and often up to 30 artists who turn up.
If you want to know more about what goes on contact me and I will answer any of your questions.