LIFE DRAWING CLASSES in Ellenbrook with Peter Efford!
Held at The Grapevine Ellenbrook
The Grapevine Community Art Space is located in Charlotte’s Vineyard at 1 Arrowsmith Ave, Ellenbrook.
p: +61 8 9297 9940 for bookings: [email protected]
Five sessions $42 per class, $210 per term Limited to 12 partisipants
- 9am – 12, Wednesday, 7 February
- 9am – 12, Wednesday, 14 February
- 9am – 12, Wednesday, 21 February
- 9am – 12, Wednesday, 28 February
- 9am – 12, Wednesday, 7 March
Ellenbrook Arts provide easels, A1 boards, bulldog clips and morning tea
Participants to provide their own paper A1 or A2 and preferred materials (eg. kneadable eraser, pencils, charcoal sticks and 2B conte crayons). To contact Peter about materials ring 92932363
The programme is themed to offer a range of perspectives on how to establish life drawing competency and is designed to offer a personalised approach and coaching according to each participants needs. Peter will demonstrate a range of drawing techniques and ‘tricks of the trade’ to get the most out of a drawing session. He will offer supporting examples of his work.
This series of workshops is designed for people who have had some previous experience with drawing, and is suited to adults aged over 18 years old.
Week one Female model
Getting started, all the right moves
Equipment and materials check, handy tips to have your drawing work
Why do we draw the human figure?
What do we want to achieve?
How to draw everything all at once
It’s not about the result, it’s about the process
The power of the gaze, and how to go about a visual enquiry
Week two Male model
Anatomy and proportion
Methods of measuring proportion
How to understand interior and surface anatomy as a means of ‘informing’ your drawing and giving it substance
Using hidden visual structure to create an accurate drawing.
How to evaluate your drawing
Week three Female model
Working out the hard stuff, how to know more about body features, hand, feet and face proportion and likeness
Week four Male model
Putting it all together, engaging with the challenge of new techniques and materials
Using colour
Finding hidden information and characteristics in the pose that give your drawing ‘personality’
Claiming the page and intensifying the image using framing techniques
Week five Female model
Classic life drawing
A regularised short pose open session, 1,5,10 and 20 minute poses
Strut our stuff and have a great time life drawing Show and tell, and what’s next for you and life drawing
Benefits to participants
Life drawing is a fundamental artistic skill and an important part of any artist’s repertoire, whether they choose to exhibit in this genre or not, it transfers across all other areas of making art. The knack of seeing, communicating and understanding the human form has wider applications when conceptualising, developing narratives, and talking about the human condition. Drawing in and of itself is also a deeply meditative activity that has proven health benefits, including escaping from the worries of life, increasing brain function, developing hand-eye coordination and helping to formulate ideas and overcome creative blocks.
Other benefits include
Enhance your observational skills
Explore your personal drawing goals and discover the strengths and weaknesses that exist within your practice
Practice your skills or try out new materials
Learn new terminology
Learn new tricks of the trade, and how to apply them
Gain access to personalised coaching and guidance in a sustained and supportive environment
Make new friends and become a part of your local artistic community
Observe other artist at work
Develop ideas or make sketches for future masterpieces!